Founded in 2005 in Lisbon by three visionary entrepreneurs, MoOngy quickly became a leading group in Engineering and Information Technology (IT) across Europe and North Africa. Today, with a presence in 14 countries and more than 40 subsidiary companies, MoOngy employs over 9,500 talents who share a common passion for innovation and excellence.
The International Mobility Recruitment Department is dedicated to enhancing the mobility of IT professionals throughout Europe, facilitating the placement of talents in the various markets where it operates.
Position: Service Engineer for Gas Turbines
Location: Zuid-Holland (preferred base) with bi-weekly visits to Noord-Holland and occasional international travel
Note: Candidates must possess European nationality or a valid work permit for the Netherlands
Job Overview: We are seeking a skilled Medior/Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer with expertise in gas turbines, centrifugal compressors, and their control systems
- Education: MBO+/HBO/University in a relevant field.
- Experience: 5+ years of experience in heavy rotating equipment maintenance, with a focus on gas turbines and compressors
- Skills:
- Strong expertise in Gas turbine expertise, turbo machinery, pumps, PLC controls, and instrumentation.
- Centrifugal compressor knowledge is a strong preference
- Hands-on, pragmatic approach with the ability to work directly with equipment.
- Detailed knowledge of equipment and the capability to resolve issues on the spot.
- Strong problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
- Languages: Fluent English; Fluent in Dutch is a plus
Key Responsibilities:
- Monitor and maintain turbo machinery to ensure reliable power generation and gas compression.
- Plan and execute maintenance activities, including major overhauls and troubleshooting failures.
- Perform root cause analyses and recommend corrective actions for equipment issues.
- Analyze inspection reports (e.g., borescopic, vibration, and lube oil) and implement improvement initiatives.
- Act as a primary contact during operational escalations and coordinate with internal and external teams.
- Manage and oversee the complete lifecycle of rotating equipment, including planning, preparation, execution, evaluation, and continuous improvement.
- Prepare maintenance work orders in alignment with established technical guidelines and standards.
- Maintain and report equipment reliability and availability metrics, ensuring alignment with strategic goals.
Advantages of joining MoOngy:
International Mobility: Access to a dedicated international mobility department with personalized relocation programs to facilitate your move to a new country.
Career Development: Opportunities to work on projects with cutting-edge technologies in different countries and various sectors.
Continuous Learning: Access to ongoing and free training and career-oriented certifications.
Personal Growth: Exchange of ideas and best practices among professionals across Europe, fostering creativity and innovation in IT.
Global Citizen in the World of Technology: Opportunity to work in a global network of companies, with access to a wide range of challenging projects in different European markets.
@MoOngy Group we stand for equality and value diversity. We create a safe, diverse environment where opportunities are equal for everyone! We do not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or any factor other than merit. All applications with skills needed for the position are welcome!
Ved at indsende mit CV, anerkender jeg, at mine personlige data vil blive håndteret af agap2. Faktisk vil agap2 som dataansvarlig håndtere mine personlige data for at styre rekrutteringsprocessen. Især vil de personoplysninger, der indsamles på denne måde, blive brugt til udførelsen af de prækontraktuelle procedurer, der er nødvendige for styringen af rekrutteringsprocessen, og specifikt til følgende formål:
- Udvælgelse og rekruttering;
- Interviews;
- Indgåelse af ansættelseskontrakten;
- Reaktion på forretningsmuligheder, blandt andre specifikke uafhængige formål, der kan kommunikeres passende.
Jeg er opmærksom på, at mine personlige data kan blive overført til kunder eller potentielle kunder som svar på forretningsmuligheder. Jeg er også opmærksom på, at mine personoplysninger kun vil blive gemt i den periode, der er nødvendig for at opfylde de angivne formål og i en periode på højst fire år efter, at rekrutteringsprocessen er gennemført, og hvis dette ikke lykkes, med det formål at nye kontakter. Mine personoplysninger vil blive opbevaret i en længere periode, hvor den registeransvarlige er juridisk forpligtet til det, især i en periode på 5 år med det formål at registrere rekrutteringsprocedurer som krævet af arbejdsloven.
Jeg anerkender, at jeg til enhver tid kan få adgang til de personlige data, der vedrører mig, samt anmode om berigtigelse eller sletning. Når det er relevant, kan jeg også anmode om begrænsning af behandlingen og bruge min ret til indsigelse og portabilitet af data. Udover det har jeg ret til at indgive en klage til den nationale databeskyttelseskommission. For at udøve disse rettigheder er det tilstrækkeligt for mig at sende anmodningen ved at sende en e-mail til
Jeg erklærer at være opmærksom og acceptere, idet jeg forpligter mig til at respektere de persondataregler, der er defineret af den dataansvarlige.