ATS4IT blev etableret i 2020 i Belgien med det formål at styrke agap2IT's tilstedeværelse på hele kontinentet. Forpligtet til innovation og fokuseret på at skabe ægte værdi for kunder og konsulenter gennem lokale outsourcing-tjenester og nearshoring-center i Portugal. Evnen til at intervenere lokalt og eksternt fra vores nearshore-center, sammen med modnet teknisk, funktionel og forretningsmæssig knowhow, er vores teams forpligtet til at løse de mest komplekse udfordringer i vores klients digitale transformation.
Vores danske afdeling åbnede i 2021 med kontorer i København.
Vi samarbejder med
agap2IT er en europæisk organisation inden for informationssystemer, videnskab og teknologi. Den blev oprettet i september 2005. Agap2IT er dedikeret til innovation og fokuseret på at skabe ægte værdi for sine kunder og konsulenter.
Teamets høje ekspertiseniveau og tekniske, funktionelle og forretningsmæssige ekspertise samt dets evne til at handle på verdensplan giver en fremragende reaktion på selv de mest vanskelige og komplicerede situationer.
Vores personale i Innovationscentret består af kvalificerede eksperter, der kan skabe de mest vanskelige og kreative løsninger. Vi tilbyder vores kunder bedste praksis for productiseringsløsninger, og vi følger dem også internt.
At skabe, udvikle og styrke teknologi som en integreret del af vores liv gennem vores forpligtelse til at blive anerkendt som en virksomhed af ledere og innovatorer.
Vores mål er at skabe værdi for dem, der interagerer med vores organisation.
SPIRIT #AGAPIER, hver familie har en historie...
Menneskelig berigelse
Agapier Spirit Opfølgning og udvikling Nærhed
Autonomi og ansvar Dynamiske og kreativitet Fleksibilitet og innovation
Socialt ansvar
Etik Stabilitet Inddragelse
Få mere at vide om vores kultur, resultater og sammenkomster. Besøg vores agapiers websted
agap2IT launches two new communication channels to get closer to employees
agap2IT developed agapiers – an app and a website that bring together the main information related to the spirit of the company, what advantages employees have available and the calendar of events organized by this technology. The objective is clear: to allow professionals to create a greater connection with the company, bringing them closer to its culture and strengthening talent retention.
“By creating an internal Employer Branding program, we are nothing more than formalizing something that has been a constant since our genesis: inserting the employee into the team, in a very specific culture, assessing their needs and working to make them feel valued in our core”, says Jorge Batista, CEO of agap2IT. “The agapiers will increase the employees’ sense of belonging, what we call the ‘agapier spirit’, as well as attract new talent and increase the retention rate”.
This new mobile channel has a public environment, where interested parties can find out more about the company's organizational culture, consult available job openings and even apply. The private environment can only be consulted by employees. In addition to the news and opportunities area, you can also consult the various training and certifications provided by the company to its professionals and their families, news about the various works and projects developed by the company and what are the next scheduled events.
Developed primarily with employees in mind, the website and the app have complementary information, but have different objectives. The online platform presents the company's culture and organizational climate with a focus on agapiers and aims to reach future candidates and the market in general. The mobilie tool is a facilitator of employee integration. It has enormous potential to become a hub for your ecosystem. Both channels are a clear incentive for communication, team unity and knowledge sharing that seeks to respond to the new paradigm regarding human contact.
Under the slogan “THINK2MORROW”, agap2IT assumes a strategy of anticipating the needs of the future to define the services it currently offers. Technology is governed by the values of creativity, strength and tactical expertise of the Spartans.
For anyone interested in this new initiative, the website is available at and the app is available for download on the App Store and Play Store.